Fortnite’s Horde Bash Brings Back Challenge the Horde Mode

Fortnite has brought back its popular Challenge the Horde mode as part of its Save the World game mode, and it’s going to make a big splash. The wave-based defense mode that’s found in the non-Battle Royale portion of Fortnite is here again, with plenty of awesome rewards if you manage to survive enough rounds of ferocious attacks.

The game mode will force players to take out various waves of husks that will stop at nothing to take you out, and the latest Epic Games development announcement has all the info about its triumphant return for v5.0.

Fortnite Successful

“In v5.0 we’re going to re-introduce “Challenge the Horde,” said Epic Games. “It’s a mode focused on getting into combat quickly – drop into a map with a pre-built base and battle against waves of enemies, but with limited time to craft weapons, build structures, and lay traps. Challenge the Horde will be the focus of our v5.0 event, and the primary source of event tickets.”

It’s going to be completely revamped, with better mini-bosses, a new combat system, improved rewards, various difficulties for an extra challenge, and other changes that should impress both new and old fans of the mode. With Save the World’s first birthday around the corner, there are likely lots more new updates where this came from, though we’ll have to wait a bit to see what’s coming down the pipeline. For the full list of changes coming with the patch, check out the notes below.


  • Horde hexes will now unlock based on both Campaign progress and completing previous tiers of Horde combat. This lets you jump into Horde at a difficulty you feel is appropriate, and then push up into higher difficulties of Horde without having to further advance your campaign.


  • Playing a full set of 10 waves was a significant time investment last time around, so we’re looking to shorten the number and length of waves. The Horde map itself is also getting reworked, featuring the new Arid biome, and we’re bringing the four bases closer together.


  • We want to integrate Mini-Bosses this time around – Mini-Bosses will start spawning in during higher difficulty encounters at a randomized rate. We also wanted to reduce the randomness of the waves as a whole so you’ll be better prepared before the next wave starts.


  • We’re adding better rewards! These rewards consist of gold, event tickets, and perk materials and the amount awarded has been increased since the last event.